The Pizza Festival, cultural and entertainment events all over the world

Over 100 True Neapolitan pizza spots around the
world will hold, from 27 to 30 May a "widespread" event for the 30th anniversary of AVPN.
Four days to celebrate the pizza in Naples and around the world, not just by tasting it but also with cultural, musical and gastronomic events. It’s the first Pizzafestival that the True Neapolitan Pizza Association (AVPN) launches from May 27 to 30. In more than 100 pizzerias members in Naples and abroad in fact will take place some planned and unplanned events, connected to the tradition of Neapolitan cuisine and to the cultural heritage of the city itself.
“To celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of the association - says Antonio Pace, president of the AVPN – we’re proposing something completely new, this time it will be not just a moment to enjoy a good Neapolitan Pizza, but in the pizzerias you’ll find musical performances, meetings and tastings”. A widespread festival that will be revealed in the coming weeks through the website, dedicated to the event that will involve and the pizzerias members of True Neapolitan pizza from Naples to Varese, from Los Angeles to Sao Paulo.
But the AVPN is announcing the Pizzafestival also through an educational and promotional tour that started from Piazza del Plebiscito, where, for all this weekend, there will be workshops for children and adults on how to prepare a pizza according to the rules of tradition. The tour will then stop in the following weeks at the Rotonda Diaz (May 16 to 18), via Toledo (May 23), Piazza degli Artisti (24 May) and Piazza del Gesù (May 25).
Once all the approach stages to the four days will be over, there will be Monday, May 26 at 10 am in Piazza Dante a conference entitled "I’m starting from 30" in which, Gastronomy and marketing experts will try to look a little further into the future of the sector in particular regarding the preparation and marketing of pizza. Piazza Dante during the days of the festival will host the Pizza Lab, a great area where you can study and appreciate the quality of the pizza and learn about products from the food supply chain and the correct combinations that contribute to make this dish so popular around the world.
The Pizzafestival came with a series of side events starting from "Vera Pizza Napoletana Photo Awards" a photo contest that invited the fans of pizza to express their vision of the traditional Neapolitan dish through a photo.
The organizers received more than 150 photographs that after a first selection (9,000 votes on the web), reduced to 49: A jury is now evaluating these photos. This jury is chaired by the photographer Vittorio Sciosia and among his members there is the special guest, Oliviero Toscani. The 30 best photographs will be exhibited in Piazza Dante during the days of Pizzafestival in the Pizza Lab.
But the event organized by the True Neapolitan Pizza Association, is also linked to a contest that will elect the pizzeria of the year: from now until May 21 you can choose through the website the place you prefer for quality of the pizza, customer service, atmosphere and selection of ingredients.
The approach to the Festival will be also marked on TV by Gambero Rosso Channel, that starting from May 26 will dedicate a ten special shows to the Neapolitan pizza, "Margherita and her sisters."